Moving on....
Last week, Rach and Robb--a mighty fine couple invited me over to take some pictures of their new little one! And, OH! was she cute! And, OH! did i learn a lot about taking pictures of newborns. Here are a few of the session. More to come later.
What an angel!
Little Dancer.
This is my favorite!
If you know Rob, you will appreciate this picture. *No deer were harmed in the making of this picture.
I'm glad some of the pictures turned out alright, because to be honest, I was a disaster. I was so nervous about being able to capture the perfect picture of her smiling or yawning or doing something she would never do again, I forgot all about my technique. I took like 400 pictures in 2 hours! I'm not sure aperture, composition, or focus even crossed my mind. I definitely made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot from them. I'll share a few with you.
1. All newborns do is eat, poop, cry and sleep. Chances are if you miss a smile or a yawn you will get another one at some point. And, if by chance you don't, there are about a zillion other cute things babies do.
2. Make sure it's really warm in the house! Poor kylie started getting a little splotchy on the nakie pictures. I'm still trying to get down the perfect baby skin in photoshop, so having the house a little bit warmer would save me loads of time in editing.
3. Remember the soft lighting! Baby skin is so sensitive to light and having the right light can make a session so much easier. Also, remember before hand to locate the time of day with the best lighting in the house. We tried sunrise light, but a large hill behind their backyard fence prevented that from happening. It was a struggle throughout the whole session.
4. Hats, beanies, flowers, or bows. Nuff said.
5. Back up Lauren. Just take a step back. I wanted to make sure I got all those tiny fingers and toes, I almost forgot to get some from a bit further away and emphasize just how tiny this beautiful creature is!
I love playing "professional photographer." Thanks Robb and Rach for bringing Kylie Rae into the world, if not for the sole purpose of my pleasure!
You can "pretend to be a professional photographer" (as quoted in my card) anytime! I didn't know you did this kind of stuff! Only Jon doesn't allow naked pictures--I just thought you should know that from the get go.