Hungry Hooleys

Hungry Hooleys
Enjoying Life One Bite at a Time



A Very Bovine Weekend

In central Utah, they love their cows. They have cows for riding, cows for roping, and cows for eating. They even have cows at the lake and cows for pets. 

Exhibit A: An unsuspecting pirate is just happy to be aboard. 

 And although together they weigh  more than 500 pounds, these people-not cows- are happy too. (Well, maybe not the middle guy.) 

This has nothing to do with cows whatsoever, I just thought they were cute. Really cute. 

So cute, I had to throw in another.  

And then, Cows! This is the one time that my one and only "roping" trick actually makes sense. 

There are more cow pictures to come, I promise. 

Exhibit B: Meet Gary's new pet. Ol Blackie. 

And the other Ol' Brownie. Don't get attached. 

Because I think you know what is coming.....

Soon, they will be nothing but a memory to us.... and a full stomach. 

Exhibit C: The Ute Stampede (Obviously, not my photo. I didn't get any. ) 

Which we went to with friends and had a good ding dong time . (Although I have to admit that my favorite part was the freestyle motorcyclist. Don't tell any of those central Utah people.) Well, till the next Ute Stampede, Ay-dios. 

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