Hungry Hooleys

Hungry Hooleys
Enjoying Life One Bite at a Time




Meet my new, um porch guest. 

Last week I bought "new" couches and  I sent the old couch to the porch until we could find a home for it. 

I was expecting some bugs, maybe even a mouse; but, when this cute little kitty cat popped out from beneath the blankets one morning, I just had to laugh. 

She sauntered off down the street and I didn't think we would see her again. 

The next morning I heard meowing from the porch. I poked my head outside and from behind the couch the same cat  poked its head out. A ginormous belly emerged shortly after . This cat was PREGO.  How I didn't notice it the day before is a miracle.

 Dirk named her CATrisha and boy is she a good cuddler!  (We used to have a cross-eyed stray cat that would come around named Cat. This is vs. 2.0 ) She also spends too much time on her back, licking your face, and scratching her ears for me to find normal for a cat. 

I'm pretty sure she thinks she is going to have her babies on my couch. 

a) until we get rid of the couch
b) CATrisha has her litter
 she is our guest. 
Even though she gives me hives. (Somewhere between my senior year of high school and my junior year of college I became pretty allergic to cats.) Notice the hives.

It's okay, I still like you CATrisha. 

Just don't have kittens on my couch. 

And, Ill be sure to take Allegra. 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren you are too funny! I hope she doesn't have her kittens on your couch either!
