Hungry Hooleys

Hungry Hooleys
Enjoying Life One Bite at a Time



A Girl without Freckles is like a Night without Stars

Love this quote and it definitely reminds me of Michelle. She is one of the most freckily persons I've ever met, and one of the most beautiful. I love that her wedding has so much love and work being put into it from her family, neighbors, and friends. It is a testament of how wonderful she is. Her dress? Her sister made it. Her cake? Another sister will make. Her reception food? The ward will cook. Her pictures? She is willingly letting me get in lots of practice (yikes!) Anyway, I think she is wonderfully beautiful and here are some pics to prove it

(Bummer the quality is pretty poor, guess I should learn how to upload higher quality photos.) 


1 comment:

  1. what are DARLING DARLING couple and the photos are beautiful! michelle is absolutely gorgeous! oh my goodness!! i just loooooove these!!! sorry i wasn't able to make it. it might be nice to know that your invite is hanging up in my kitchen though :) te amo vcs!!! parabens!!! <3
